Alpha Female Club | Identity

Alpha Female Club is a community project that I set up as part of my extended study module in graphic design, UWE Bristol. My study plays around the themes of intersectionality & gender discrimination -- in response to misogyny that ingrains deeply in our society. Located in bristol, Alpha Female Club aims to reach out to intersectional females & people of colour as a safe platform for discussion around the idea of our struggles, issues & lifestyles.

The idea behind the brand identity of Alpha Female Club is to incorporate intersection lines into the keyword femininity. By implementing slogan from International Women's Day 2017 "Be bold to change", I came up with solid blocks letters that intersects with another letter. The creative experimentation behind the colour schemes took place in Kuler by Adobe where I manage to use keywords such as "minority", "feminity" & "feminine health." The attachments above involve some of the palettes that I used throughout experimentation & decided to settle for colour schemes as shown on the second final image.  

For more info on what we offer in our community, kindly sign up here http://alphafemale.club
Alpha Female Club | Identity

Alpha Female Club | Identity

Brand identity for a community project, Alpha Female Club. We are based in Bristol.
